About us

For over 15 years, a unique partnership of special educational needs/disability (SEND) leads across the region has been collaborating to run the National Award for SEN Coordination, the follow-on SENCO Masters Suite programmes and a range of level 3 and 4 courses for SEND practitioners in schools and settings.

The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) (part of the HFL Education family) works in collaboration with Local Authorities, schools, Multi-Academy Trusts and Teaching School across the eastern region and beyond, to provide SEND professionals access to a comprehensive suite of training programmes.

The programmes enable nationally recognised courses to run successfully in local areas, ensuring leaders of SEND achieve the required learning outcomes whilst building local knowledge and developing effective support networks.

The Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) also offers an innovative audit and planning school improvement tool focusing on SEND known as the aptGO. In addition, it is the home for the Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) Information Centre, through which the latest educational news and research is shared and a platform for discussion is provided.

If you would like to contact Angela Scott or any of the Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) team then please don’t hesitate to call 01438 544469 or email easternp.send@hfleducation.org

Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) National Lead

Angela Scott

Angela Scott has an Advanced Diploma in SEN, an MA in specific learning difficulties (dyslexia) and over 37 years’ experience as a teacher working in a variety of leadership roles across all phases of education, nationally and internationally. Between 2015-19 she worked with the Education Bureau in Hong Kong on an innovative, ground-breaking SENCO project.

She has developed and led a range of educational teams and services focusing on improving outcomes for children and young people both as Head of the Specialist Services in Cambridgeshire and within a range of other roles. Her time as SEN HUB coordinator for the National Strategies enabled her to lead on a series of high-profile projects working in partnership with school and SEND leads from Local Authorities across the region.

Angela has continued this regional work and is the lead for a wide range of accredited professional development initiatives including the National Award for SEN Coordination and the SENCO Masters Suite.

She is author of a number of innovative self-evaluation tools for improving leadership of SEND in schools and settings, and regularly leads training and professional development events working in partnership with regional and national bodies.

A big thank you; your organisation has been excellent from start to finish
and I’ve felt supported by all.
— Peterborough SENCO

Eastern Partnership UK (SEND) National Project Coordinator

Claire Cox

Claire Cox has over 15 years’ experience as a teacher working in a range of senior leadership and advisory roles across all phases of education with a specific focus on improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND.

She has been a Tutor for the National Award for SEN Coordination for the past seven years.

She leads on the Level 3 and 4 qualifications offered by Eastern Partnership UK (SEND), working in partnership with the nationally recognised accrediting body, Gateway Qualifications.

She is passionate about ensuring high quality SEND training and CPD for professionals working in schools and settings. Claire promotes partnership working with local areas and leads a large team of tutors and assessors to deliver SEND qualifications nationally.

Thank you for an inspiring course. The Tutor’s knowledge never ceased to amaze me!
— Suffolk SENCO